Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Grizwold Family Tree Reenacted

It was far too cold. Snow blanketed the target area. I lost two of my helpers to head colds. But I had a permit to reenact the selection and harvest of a live tree in Colorado hopefully without the log truck incident.
The forest you love is just on fire away from this.

Mark this down.  On Oct 31st of each year put in a calendar event to google "Tree Cutting Permit Pike National Forest" On November the 1st they go on sale by mail. I got one permit this year for $10 for a specific range of dates. "The cutting is not destructive but gives room for neighboring trees to grow faster and better," according to the U.S. Forest Service which always does the right thing.

The Pike National Forest was hit by the Buffalo Creek Fire in 1996. It's mildly depressing driving through this area on the way to cut down some of the survivors. What was I thinking? I don't remember anything about this in Clark's trip to get his tree.
The U.S. Forest Service set up a check point outside the forest and directed me to the cutting area. 

Griswolds to the left, to the right, straight ahead. 
Wow. This is crowded. I actually saw a guy carrying a little dog that I just know he was going to tie to the bumper of the car while the family went into the forest to find their family tree. ISTG. I had to warn him NOT to tie the dog to the bumper. He said he'd seen "Vacation."

Finally, I parked in a lonely spot, got out my bow saw, and trekked out into the forest.

After mindless wandering, my hands are getting numb, my feet starting to freeze, and my body is getting powdered with snow as I shake it off spindly little trees trying to find something that doesn't look like a Charlie Brown reject, when Behold !! a miracle happens right in front of me.

This must be IT. The Davenport Family Christmas Tree.

The perfect size, the perfect shape, cut just 6 inches from the ground as ordered.

This is what it must be like with elk. 
North Fork Volunteer Fire Department serves chili, santa photos, and pie to the "Cutters."

And this bit of wisdom.

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